Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saya Kristian, saya juga Muslim - Redding

Inilah bahana fahaman antara kepercayaan yang diamalkan dalam kehidupan. Fahaman "interfaith" ini sangat berbahaya kerana mencampuradukkan beberapa fahaman agama menjadi suatu pegangan hidup. Misalnya, Ann Holmes Redding seperti yang dilaporkan di bawah ini mengamalkan kehidupan sebagai seorang Kristian dan pada masa yang sama mengaku mengamalkan ibadat sebagai seorang Muslim.

Menurut artikel di bawah, "Redding mengatakan bahawa dia kini seorang Kristian dan Muslim. Dia bersembahyang setiap hari di gereja, dan pada masa yang sama dia juga bersembahyang lima waktu sehari menyembah Allah".

Bayangkan jika fahaman sebegini diamalkan oleh umat Islam di negara ini yang jahil tentang konsep keesaan Tuhan dan menganggap konsep antara kepercayaan ini sebagai suatu konsep agama yang baru. Walau bagaimanapun konsep keagamaan seperti ini bukanlah suatu yang baru di luar negara kerana perkara sebegini telah pun diamalkan oleh segelintir umat Islam di serata dunia. Misalnya, paparan klip video Shah Rukh Khan dan Salman Khan yang bersembahyang/mengikuti upacara keagamaan di kuil dan pada masa yang sama mengaku sebagai Muslim.

Ikuti ulasan nya:

[ABC] - Ann Holmes Redding was a prominent priest in the Episcopal Church for 25 years -- until a radical test of faith shook her beliefs to the core.

A month after her mother passed away in 2006, Redding went to her mother's apartment to pack up her belongings. Distressed and emotional, she began practicing an Islamic meditation technique that she'd learned in an interfaith class.

"The church where I was working invited in a speaker on Islam," she said.

"This particular class, the teacher introduced an Islamic prayer practice that I began that night when I went home, because it called to me as something that would be helpful in my spiritual practice."

And that's when it happened.

"I knew that Islam, the word itself, means surrender, self-surrender to God. So I surrendered to God and became a Muslim," she said.

"It came with such clarity and such power that I could understand it as nothing else but an invitation from God."

Redding says she is now both a Christian and a Muslim. She prays daily and in church, but she also prays five times a day to Allah.

"I pray as a Christian every day," she said.

"I'm one person and I actually am Christian and Muslim wherever I'm praying, whenever I'm praying."

"Jesus was the one who led me into Islam," she said.

But she no longer believes that Jesus is the only path to heaven.

"When Christians use the language that Jesus is the only begotten son of God, I would argue that they are not using that language literally," she said.

"It's figurative language; it's metaphorical language."

"I believe God's salvation is bigger than Jesus."

- duniacacamarba.blogspot


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